Meet RD Riccoboni the American painter of love, happiness and joy. He's an artist and best-selling author, creates art works in vivid color, bold contrast. He encourages everyone to: love what you do and do what you love and you will be drawn to success.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Set the Stage, then Suit up and Show up!
I was asked the other day, how to get an art show by an artist who was frustrated. I asked them “What type of art show and what type of exhibition place do you see your art in.” “Do you know who your customer is?” and “Where might those customers hang out?” Asking how and where to get an art show is a great question, it means you have a desire to get moving and into action.
It really helps if you knw how to set the Stage so to say and then Suit up and Show up! You can do this with a powerful visualization tool I use and want to share with you as I do with other artists and business persons who ask me these questions.
I remember the first time usuing this type of visualizing and manifested an art show in Los Angeles. I was not a starving artist so to say, but I was hungry to offer my services.
Like the artist who had approached me the other day I could relate. Looking for places to show my artwork, nothing was turning up. However I knew a space would eventually appear somewhere. Doors always opened when going on those “gut” feelings I sometimes received.
To my knowledge, I had never consciously visualized before, however this one day out of nowhere that is what I indeed did. One morning in early 1992 after recently moving to Los Angeles, deciding to act as if I already had an art show on the books and needed to deliver my paintings to the gallery. Mind you I had no art show lined up. Loading up my old blue Toyota with twenty little paintings and acting as if my show was real. Fired up my chariot and headed into the big city like a gladiator to a gallery awaiting me. I stopped at a few gallery spots and to my surprise, none were open. Disappointing, yes, but I was determined to continue in my quest and grateful to be living in sunny Southern California again.
By two o'clock that afternoon, I pulled the car over, tired, and a bit overwhelmed, with my stomach, growling, thankfully, I had brought a snack. Sitting in my car wondering what to do next, with a clear picture in my head of exactly what I wanted and decided to play a game with myself.
This game came from a childhood memory. Growing up in a small Connecticut town next to a country playhouse where Summer-Stock Theater came every year. I loved watching the shows and actors evolve from rehearsal to opening night. As “the kid next door”, often was invited to see the show free. Those memories gave me a thought. closing my eyes and saw in my mind a beautiful old theater, inside taking place was production of my successful art opening, titled "My Art Exhibit" the curtain went up, and saw myself in the scenes, making paintings, delivering and hanging them at the gallery. In the next scene came opening night. I saw myself surrounded by friends, enjoying great food, conversation and taking cash and checks from buyers. Smiling, I ended the little play in my minds eye, feeling quite accomplished, with the big curtains closing to applause, and saying aloud “The End” clapped my hands, opened my eyes and let my vision go. Feeling nice and relaxed that’s when I looked up noticing a cute little café "Carolyn's" a few doors down from my parking spot. I needed food, the place looked great, and grabbed my portfolio to review it over lunch.
I walked into the cafe and the woman behind the counter asked: "Are you the artist?
"Yes." I answered. My goodness how did she know that, are all these folks in L.A. psychic? I wondered. "The artist’s here" she hollered to her boss in the backroom of the café.
The manager yelled back, "It's about time," looking out from the back room and said, "He's not the artist!" You see, as it turned out, they had an artist lined up for an exhibit who never appeared, in-fact, days had passed and those café walls were looking bare. "Do you have art with you now?" the manager asked firmly of me. "Oh yes" I answered, handing over my portfolio, and in my car, my paintings were ready to hang!
The cafe manager looked at my portfolio and said "These are beautiful, lets hang your art right now and let me buy you lunch. You know artists come in all the time wanting shows, they seem to have great potential, but they do not follow through. If you can follow through, then show your art here as long as you like, when something sells; bring in another to keep the place looking full. Do you want an opening party? You get people here; I’ll take care of the food. I don't want a commission, just beautiful art on our walls for my customers to enjoy while eating my food"
Wow! My own little gallery complete with opening night, fine food, and centrally located in Los Angeles! Okay, it wasn't the space I expected, but, let me tell you, I didn't have to think about that very long about this offer. I said yes right away. The next weekend we were enjoying my art opening complete with friends and buyers!
What happened to me that day? I wasn't the artist who was supposed to show up. I got an art show and made a local business happy. Not to mention my hungry belly was fed a delicious lunch. Here’s what happened. I visualized with intention, made a game out of it, sending strong positive and powerful “creative emotions” out to the Universe, I was aware, paying attention, and acted on that awareness and what it presented, then followed through with a decision, one I am sure, changed my life for the better.
What happened is this: I suited up, and showed up, for the life of my dreams! And you can too. I use this technique with those I mentor, we call it "Manifestation Playhouse" Set the stage and try it for yourself.
By playing the game Manifestation Playhouse a few minutes daily, you can slowly increase your positive vibration to where you want to be and implant in your subconscious mind the feeling achieving your wanted desires. This tool is much more than wishful or positive thinking because when you play “a game” your ego steps out of the way and quiets down. The ego cannot be bothered with those silly games; its job is much too dramatic and would rather feed on fear and uncertainty. This “play” exercise will create subtle shifting of your energy, using upbeat positive images to maintain a good vibration in attracting what you wish to accomplish.
Just as in anything, baby steps and balance, will eventually lead to bigger steps and further success. So keep track of your positive evidence. Vibrational change is a process that is best not rushed. That little show at the café turned out to be perfect venue for the service I could offer at the time. By saying yes to what manifested before me, more business career doors opened, eventually leading to living the artist life of my dreams with excellent patrons, gallery and museum shows, being published many times and eventually founding my art based companies.
When we decide, what we want, individually and collectively. There is no limitation as the Universe recognizes our desire immediately begins to deliver it to us. Whether we’re an artist or non-artist, be open to receive, a sparkling life with rave reviews. Identify your desire and then take steps to fulfill the outcome. Do you have service to offer? Are you ready to set your stage? If you said yes, good! Take these tools here in this story and like a director of the play would, shout out, ONE TWO and … Action!
Happy and artisic travels to you! RD Riccoboni
Self-taught California artist RD Riccoboni™ began painting at the age of five when he got into his mother’s paint-by-numbers. Riccoboni is an entrepreneur and visionary. Exhibited and collected internationally this painter and best-selling author is mentor to many. He has created successful art-based companies, which assist others to promote their artistic passions and come to realize their true artistic value. His painting “A Little Piece of Heaven” graces the cover of Manifest Success is about Stretching and Expanding.
See his beautiful paintings at Http://
Beacon Artworks Gallery
2754 Calhoun St.
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park
San Diego, CA 92110
Painting above: "A Little Piece of Heaven" by RD Riccoboni The Art Traveler
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Just this close to Success....
Failure sometimes means we are just that much closer to success, and the universe and its strange ways is prodding us. “Over here, this way” and we look or not, go the other way and flop and boom fall right on or faces! Often because we don’t really know what we want, or what we once wanted has now changed. We seem to round and round like a carousel and ask ourselves "How did I wind up here again, right where I started or even worse?
If failure exists, so does success. The two things cannot exist without each other.
Here’s a suggestion to reach your succssful life. Discover your hearts desires, dreams and passions and get moving in their direction.
What is your dream, your passion, your heart’s desire? (write down on a piece of paper what they are. Do it right now)
Write your dream down in words that makes you feel good when you read it and read it daily. You can have more than one. In fact why don’t you identify the top three, right now. You may find you already are living your heart’s desire or it may be something entirely new.
Which one is the most important of the three, the second and the third. (they are all important) and there may be more than three. Identify the top three.
Write them down in specific precise detail. Don’t leave anything out. How does it feels, tastes, sounds, smells, to live your dream now? Use very descriptive words. It takes time, write it all down, use as much paper as you need don’t skimp anywhere.
Transfer those three things into one sentence and write them down on a few sticky notes or postcards and place them around where you can see them until they are instilled in you.
Make these dreams a priority by creating a system of accountability to get what you want.
Be accountable to yourself through others help and don’t be afraid to ask for help, insight, advice. Set up a dream team, master mind group, accountability squad, dream, or whatever you want to call it, just do it.
Dedicate a specific time everyday to focus on your dream. Relax and relish feeling good about it and how it would feel having your accomplished your passion. Once in the morning and once in the evening is ideal. 5 minutes is a good start.
Read books, see movies about and study up on people you admire who have achieved what you want to do. If they are living write to and offer to help, assistance people who have achieved your dream. You may or may not get a response, you may get priceless information. Always be gracious and grateful. Many of my friends are well known and respected in my industry. I would not be the person I am today without their advice that I sought.
When you know what your dreams are you can say no to the things that are not in alignment with them. Set specific parameters for your dream and be aware for things that you want - Get very clear exactly what you want so when distractions come along that say "I'm more important than your dream," you can filter them out say no thanks. You're not a match. Goodbye!
Make a list of who supports your dreams and who does’nt. If people don’t support you and deplete your energy what are you doing hanging out around them? Make room in your life for the people who genuinely support you. You most likely also support them.
You must have a an emotionally prosperous environment to get it done!
Keep track of all your positive evidence of the journey to accomplishing your dreams. Keep a record book or journal of it. See what a great life you have on paper written in your own words.
Now that you know what your top three desires are in detail because you wrote all that down…right? Go back and do it if you did’nt… You can read and listen to suggestions and advice indefinitley however You alone must get into action.
Start living and acting TODAY as if your dream is here NOW. Have faith it is and have the courage to take the needed steps to get it done. It’s your life, no one else’s and you deserve to have the best life ever!
You are now telling the universe and your subconscious that you honor and value your dreams and worth. You will start recognizing things everywhere that relate to your dream.
This is how you energize your imagination and vibration to get more of what you want.
I wish you much success in your journey!
RD Riccoboni, The Art Traveler
Painting; A Day at The Races by RD Riccoboni
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Living the Dream Life
You're already living your dream whether you know it or not. It's your choice whose dream have you bought into, yours or someone else's?
A great quote I is by Ralph Waldo Emerson. "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." What is it that you really want to do?
We really are what we think about, as an artist and best selling writer , I have heard it all. Things like “I’d like to do that too but you know I can’t...the life of a writer...the life of an artist...” followed by lot’s of “Yeah buts” What exactly you are saying to others you are really affirming to your most inner self What is amazing me is when we are bind to our own world we create for ourselves through our though that we would consider unacceptable for others.
Affirmations are powerful tools to change your thinking and create new intentions for a full and rewarding life. A life you design yourself through your though process. You can sign up for a free daily intention of Art and Inspiration from myself, and Jayne Moffitt here at
What you are saying about your dreams, are these words your thoughts and desires or are they hear-say and romantic drama someone else or other circumstance has told you. Be selective about what dream life you choose to live. Don’t be a “Yeah But head” You deserve to paint the best picture of your dream life ever!
Painting above: Stella's World by RD Riccoboni
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The perfect time is right now to create your masterpiece
I just had a great experience, a former employer of mine heard about what I had accomplished and walked into my gallery today In Old Town San Diego State Historic Park and she said” Wow! You did it RD, you said you were going to have your own gallery and it would be in one of the highest tourist traffic areas in the country and you did, this is amazing, I’m overwhelmed!” Like storyteller or movie director start describing exactly what your vision is of what you want in great detail and notice how it makes you feel emotionally inside. Make this a habit, pay attention and watch your life flow in the direction you want.
Whether you’re an artist or not right now, this moment is the perfect time of your life. Start telling your story the exact way you want your life to be. Right now, are you ready for the ride of your life? And as things start lining up from your story say “WOW I have the best life ever!” a lot. In fact you don’t have to wait. Start saying WOW about your life right now. Like storyteller or movie direction start describing exactly what your vision is of what you want in great detail and notice how it makes you feel emotionally inside. Make this a habit, pay attention and watch your life flow in the direction you want because the perfect time is right now to create your masterpiece which by the way is your journey.
RD Riccoboni
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Are you stuck with your art career?
Where are you going? No matter if you are a follower or a leader, Be sure to love getting there as much as being there.
This is one of my most recent paintings here in San Diego. The Stagecoach at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Old Town San Diego. It's just steps from our gallery and reminds me of my journey as an artist getting here.
Can you turn one of your problems into a service and reap financial success? When I was looking to get into local galleries no one wanted to exhibit my art, every competition declined me. I soon realized competitions were ridiculous ego trips and art fairs were exhausting and financially unwise. Having my own gallery and art publishing company was more cost effective in the long run. I took a leap of faith and made a decision to put myself in charge of my art career and financially reaped the benefits of doing so. Today they call me the California Artist with a gallery located in America’s most visited state park. I then wrote about my experiance in the best seller Manifest Success encouraing others to use their talents and share their service with others.
Whether you an artist or not take charge of your problems they most often hold the answers to your passion and financial success. Sometimes the most irritating and frustrating problems can your biggest freedom. You can get there from here!
Wishing you much success in your art travels!
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